Separate 2 Footnote References In Word For Mac
Using Zotero 5.0 with Word 2011 for Mac here. My Zotero footnotes automatically insert 3-5 line breaks in a footnote. Hey the line break issue has re-emerged, although I cannot figure out why. As you advised, I double checked by going into draft view and checking to make sure there were no line breaks. I also tried highlighting the footnote text and forcing single spacing with Cmd+1 in Word. That works temporarily, but then when Zotero updates the citations, the unwanted line breaks re-emerge. That's why I suspect the issue is emanating from Zotero.
>> *Refer to the same footnote or endnote more than once* >> Of course, there are plenty of other situations in which Help *is* awful, >> and finding the right topic requires knowing Word's special vocabulary.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your help. When I say the first item, I mean the text of the first footnote of the entire Word document, which itself is a footnote composed entirely of a Zotero-generated citation.
I can remember these unwanted line breaks occurring when only one work is cited in the first footnote. I am unsure whether line breaks occur when there are multiple works cited in the first footnote.
I tried opening a few documents and so far there is no issue, so I cannot test it, but when/if I see the issue again I will test what happens when I have multiple or a single work cited in the first footnote.
David has a book manuscript that consists of twenty chapters. Each chapter is in its own document file, and each chapter has its own endnotes. He would like to create one large, single document file for the manuscript, with the endnotes properly separated by chapter at the end, and renumbered from 1-X in each endnote section, as they are now. How to record on nox for mac.
This can be done rather easily, as Word allows you to specify that endnotes should appear at one of two places in a document: either the end of each section or at the end of the document itself. Follow these general steps: • Create a new, blank document. • Define the layout for the new document to match whatever layout you want for your book.
(Set margins, orientation, etc.) • Display the Footnote and Endnote dialog box. Do this in Word 97 and Word 2000 by choosing Insert Footnote. Do this in Word 2002 and Word 2003 by choosing Insert Reference Footnote. (See Figure 1.) Figure 1. The Footnote and Endnote dialog box.• Make sure the Endnotes radio button is selected. • If you are using Word 97 or Word 2000, click the Options button. Word displays the Note Options dialog box.
• Change the Place At option to End of Section. • Change the Start At value to 1. • Choose the Restart Each Section radio button. • If you are using Word 97 or Word 2000, click OK to close the Note Options dialog box and then click Cancel to close the Footnote and Endnote dialog box. • If you are using Word 2002 or later, click Apply. • Choose Insert File to insert your first chapter file. • Insert a section break at the end of the chapter file you just inserted.